


Steve Tanza geno/index.html
Genomixer Geno Open Source DNA Clock Junker Hidden Values Inside..
Mutator RNA..... Lifeforms... Infected DNA WebSites
stanza dna data art
We Think... DNA Building The Laboratory About


Technical Note 20.8.2020. Most of these net artworks can no longer be experienced online unless you are using an old computer running WINDOWS 95, XP PRO, or WINDOES 7 with shockwave installed. These were all made using shockwave so that they could be placed online however ADOBE has now made the technology obsolete and updates to internet security mean that newer computers cannot experience these artworks as they were intended. I am leaving the artworks here as an archive. They can be requested for exhibition in which case I can send the files and set up instructions. You can also see the videos and screen shot images of what it looked like.


Welcome to Genomixer where my DNA data is used to make visual artworks and sound based systems. Presented online are a series of artworks inspired by the human genome sequence and developed from DNA profiles which are sequenced from the artists blood. These artworks are investigations into genetic codes mapped and re assembled online. To make these works my DNA was sampled to make metaphases, g-banding and full profiles of chromosomes. After this process the the DNA was encapsulated and resides in my freezer ready for cloning. All the artworks are enabled by DNA data represented as code that has been extracted from my blood.

The code is used to make audio visual self portraits and data visualisation experiences based on the building blocks of life. The Genomixer artwork enables you to mix and cross reference all the code on the genome sequence allowing you to intermix your own variable of me; you can also look at a new mix of chromosomes in real time on line.A database of dna code. A completely new online experience.

Proposition. It seems likely with the advent of self DNA tests the emergence of this type of DNA testing will be prolific. This data can be recorded could be intergrated into the genomixer database and saved as an open source system. That is, each independent user will have their own personal online audio visual experience based on each unique genetic code and becuase they have the option to save it this means they can also see and listen to other users results. In other words this is a giant open source audio visual labyrinth and database. The system uses a generative audio system that can play interactive non linear audio over the net. The sounds are mapped to the genetic codes. Genomixer is a complete audio visual online generative system. Code representing code generated by code made from blood.

Open source DNA movement. Exploitation of the masses for the masses. The genomixer has also applied for public IPO. If any venture capitalists would like to express interest, ie investment please get in touch. The IPO will allow the database of users to be accessed by other company research and all monies derived from expostulation and investigation of our pooled DNA will be shared. If you donate a sample we will use your dna for profit and sell the information publicly for mutual benefit.

Awards and Exhibitions for Genomixer

Won first  prize at Art in Motion (AIM V: SYZYGY the human remix) exhibition, at the Armory Center for the Arts in Pasadena, California. USA.
Exhibited at and gets an honary mention at Videoformes France.
Exhibited at Fififestival where Stanza won first prize for ccityv which is a real time online global surveillance system. France
Exhibited at SIGGRAPH 2004 Electronic Art Exhibition in USA.
Exhibited in Los Angeles in March 2003 Part of solo show. Multiple projectors featured genomixer. USA
Genomixer exhibited at Ciberat Bilbao (www.ciberart-bilbao.net). Spain
Amsterdam in august 2003 for an event called "Test Portal".  DNA sounds and data from gammier all projected on to 100 ft screens.  Netherlands
Exhibited at the Digital Hub in July 2003 and then returned in September to make a presentation and talk. Ireland
Featured on BBC radio 3 and played in introduction in talk about art and science.UK
Samsung Media Centre Senef Korea 2005
Jerwood Space, Cut and Splice. London UK 2005
Folly. Soundtoys Solo Show. Lancaster. UK 2005 . 

About - more info click here


Steve Tanza Steve Tanza Stanza is an internationally recognised artist, who has been exhibiting worldwide since 1984. His artworks have won prestigious painting prizes and ten first prize art awards including:- Vidalife 6.0 First Prize. SeNef Grand Prix. Videobrasil First Prize. Stanzas art has also been rewarded with a prestigious Nesta Dreamtime Award, an Arts Humanities Creative Fellowship and a Clarks bursary award.


All images copyright. Do not reproduce or use for blogs without written permission. The copyright for any material published on this web site is reserved. Any duplication or use of objects such as images, diagrams and texts is not permitted without Stanza's written agreement. All rights reserved.

Credit line ....all artwork by Stanza

SDR Steve Tanza aka Stanza is a London based British artist. www.stanza.co.uk

Email Stanza.


(c) 2000 - 2005 Stanza.